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Routledge Studies in Business Ethics

About the Series

Business ethics is a site of contestation, both in theory and practice. For some it serves as a salve for the worst effects of capitalism, giving businesses the means self-regulate away from entrenched tendencies of malfeasance and exploitation. For others business ethics is a more personal matter, concerning the way that individuals can effectively wade through the moral quagmires that characterise so many dimensions of business life. Business ethics has also been conceived of as a fig leaf designed to allow business-as-usual to continue while covering over the less savoury practices so as to create an appearance of righteousness.

Across these and other approaches, what remains critical is to ensure that the ethics of business is the subject of incisive questioning, critical research, and diverse theoretical development. It is through such scholarly inquiry that the increasingly powerful purview of corporations and business activity can be interrogated, understood and, ultimately, reformulated. This series contributes to that goal by publishing the latest research and thinking across the broad terrain that characterised business ethics.

The series welcomes contributions in areas including: corporate social responsibility; critical approaches to business ethics; ethics and corporate governance; ethics and diversity; feminist ethics; globalization and business ethics; philosophical traditions of business ethics; postcolonialism and the ethics of business; production and supply chain ethics; resistance, political activism and ethics; sustainability, environmentalism and climate change; the ethics of corporate misconduct; the politics of business ethics; and worker’s rights.

23 Series Titles

Per Page

Integrity in Business and Management

Integrity in Business and Management

1st Edition

Edited By Marc Orlitzky, Manjit Monga
July 26, 2017

This book highlights the interconnectedness of integrity with philosophical history, leadership, managerial decision-making, and organizational effectiveness in a wide variety of contexts (e.g., time theft in organizations and family business). Well-known researchers in business ethics from all ...

The Ethics of Neoliberalism The Business of Making Capitalism Moral

The Ethics of Neoliberalism: The Business of Making Capitalism Moral

1st Edition

By Peter Bloom
June 15, 2017

The 21st century is the age of "neo-liberalism" – a time when the free market is spreading to all areas of economic, political and social life. Yet how is this changing our individual and collective ethics? Is capitalism also becoming our new morality? From the growing popular demand for corporate ...

Reforming Capitalism The Scientific Worldview and Business

Reforming Capitalism: The Scientific Worldview and Business

1st Edition

By Rogene Buchholz
May 22, 2017

This book examines the role that the traditional understanding of science plays in how we understand the capitalistic system and how it informs business and business school education. Science serves many purposes in business organizations; it is much more than just a method to gain knowledge about ...

Restructuring Capitalism Materialism and Spiritualism in Business

Restructuring Capitalism: Materialism and Spiritualism in Business

1st Edition

By Rogene Buchholz
May 05, 2017

The main theme of this book is that, within contemporary capitalist societies a materialist outlook informed by science has triumphed creating the lack of a spiritual dimension to give meaning and purpose to the activities that are necessary for a capitalist society to function effectively. ...

Mismanagement, “Jumpers,” and Morality Covertly Concealed Managerial Ignorance and Immoral Careerism in Industrial Organizations

Mismanagement, “Jumpers,” and Morality: Covertly Concealed Managerial Ignorance and Immoral Careerism in Industrial Organizations

1st Edition

By Reuven Shapira
March 06, 2017

Executives’ morality and ethics became major research topics following recent business scandals, but the research missed a major explanation of executives’ immorality: career advancement by "jumping" between firms that causes ignorance of job-pertinent tacit local knowledge, tempting "jumpers" to ...

Workers' Rights and Labor Compliance in Global Supply Chains Is a Social Label the Answer?

Workers' Rights and Labor Compliance in Global Supply Chains: Is a Social Label the Answer?

1st Edition

Edited By Jennifer Bair, Doug Miller, Marsha Dickson
August 03, 2016

This book provides insight into the potential for the market to protect and improve labour standards and working conditions in global apparel supply chains. It examines the possibilities and limitations of market approaches to securing social compliance in global manufacturing industries. It does ...

Individuals, Groups, and Business Ethics

Individuals, Groups, and Business Ethics

1st Edition

By Chris Provis
July 27, 2016

Corporate social responsibility has become a heavily discussed topic in business ethics. Identifying some generally accepted moral principles as a basis for discussion, Individuals, Groups, and Business Ethics examines ethical dimensions of our relationships with families, friends and workmates, ...

Corporate Social Responsibility, Entrepreneurship, and Innovation

Corporate Social Responsibility, Entrepreneurship, and Innovation

1st Edition

By Kenneth Amaeshi, Paul Nnodim, Osuji Onyeka
September 03, 2015

Despite its recent popularity in literature, theory, and practice, Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) remains a vague concept that struggles to define itself beyond the confines of corporate philanthropy or sustainability. In some circles, it is a response to the present and anticipated climate ...

Rethinking Capitalism Community and Responsibility in Business

Rethinking Capitalism: Community and Responsibility in Business

1st Edition

By Rogene Buchholz
January 06, 2011

Given the world's current financial climate, Rethinking Capitalism couldn't come at a better time. With the government bailing out and taking over banks and other financial institutions, many are wondering what kind of capitalism we will end up with. Every day questions arise about whether the ...

Leadership for Environmental Sustainability

Leadership for Environmental Sustainability

1st Edition

Edited By Benjamin W. Redekop
August 15, 2011

As the first book in the field of leadership studies to approach sustainability as a multi-faceted leadership challenge, Leadership for Environmental Sustainability will help to set the terms of the discussion on this topic among students, scholars, and practitioners of leadership for years to come...

Organizational Transformation for Sustainability An Integral Metatheory

Organizational Transformation for Sustainability: An Integral Metatheory

1st Edition

By Mark Edwards
January 06, 2011

During the 21st century organizations will undergo a level of radical and global change that has rarely been seen before. This transformation will come as a result of the environmental, social and economic challenges that now confront organisations in all their activities. But are our ...

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